Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Importance of Being Ernest Goes to Camp

I can’t remember a damn thing every time I think it resets into a different memory and everything is numb and I feel like I can see a terrorist looking guy. And oh my heck my hands are so numb I can’t even believe it (broken English accent) oh my hells the typing is the craziest thing in the whole world. Oh my heacck, so much death. No parent should have to bury their child. Gandalf then says some weird stuff I can’t hardly understand. Oh man, Peter Jackson is starting to get fat again. You know he is going to pull out the barefoot business when he slowly morphs back into 2001 Peter Jackson. He was so big and fat, then he got so skinny. He looked like a dwarf before and then like a real young hip New Zealander. I want to live in New Zealand so bad. I have so much respect for a country like that. Also the Netherlands, where I saw this video on YouTube linked to Reddit, it was this bicycle only part of Utrecht Netherlands where there was only bicycles but it was insanely efficient and not one person, and I mean not one person is wearing a helmet. The word wearing looks so sad. Like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. It looks like that. When you look at words from far away you think it is a novel but it’s not. It is just some crap you have been typing that doesn’t make any sense and for one second you didn’t realize it and so you thought you were a good writer even though it was just your crapily written journal. I just pictured this Playstation game that my Brother in Law Mark had when he first got his Playstation and it was over at his brown apartment just off of Fort Union. It had some like yellow truck things and the game was just a demo though. This is the longest paragraph of all time. Tiny tin bad lands hairy chest but it’s really hair not chest but now it’s Diamonds are Forever the James Bond film where it was Sean Connery’s last Bond film. How Google dig, digg, dugg, flashing like eye things where sometimes when you are just staring up at the lights and you see those magenta and bright green things that bounce around in your eyesight for a while but there is nothing there it is just something with your brain that now I am listening to the Jupiter song by Haulst. Think about how crazy I just lost my train of thought. My wrists are so freaking numb right now I can’t type very coherently. Let by gones be bye gones. What word would you use in that sentence? By or Bye? Because what is the meaning of “by or bye” in that colloquialism expression? Is it by or Bye? Because it is difficult to tell exactly what it is supposed to mean. Such as, would you be saing bye to your gones? Or is it like by the gones? Like it is “by” the gones, as in over there, by the gones. What does that even mean? I just thought of Home Alone right now. Because of the music I heard but also the fact that I watched a video on YouTube about Home Alone, which someone spoofed off of the first Home Alone movie. My fingers are getting so heavy that I can’t take it anymore. The E.T. the Extra Terrestrial credits song moves me so deeply. Such a good soundtrack I can’t even comprehend how advanced that man’s brain is. John Williams is a modern day Bach or Beethoven. I almost typed that he was “John Williams is a modern day John Williams” or like saying “Bach is a modern day John Williams”. I just lulled so hard a second ago. At my own thing I typed. How pathetic is that? I really wish that the English language used the question marks at the beginning and end like in the Spanish language. So you know right at the beginning you know that it is a question. Instead of waiting until the sentence is over to know that it is a question. That there shows how flawed your language is when there is no computer or any rules in the language that could tell you 100% that if it was a question or not. Why did we have to get this language when the people made the tower of Babel and they shot an arrow at god and it made him mad so he crushed the tower and everyone got a different language so they couldn’t understand each other? And so no one could communicate with one another. But if you think about it, they must have had to had to learn another person’s language that they couldn’t understand. Or they would be complete animals. Just trying to service the basic needs of a being. To eat, drink, and mate. So they would have to learn another language to fulfill the mating part. So right there a language would have been lost. That original language would somehow mix with another and one would be lost. The person who spoke the original language would speak the other he learned so he would lose it. And that would have happened with each pair of languages. So for each pair, half of the languages were lost automatically. So we originally lost half of all languages within only a very short period of time.

Now I never have learned much about religion, but it is just such a crafty thought on how the world started. Like I totally believe in Evolution but how did we get different languages? Like when people first started, they moved to different parts of the world and being separated from different people and so there were all these scattered out groups of cave men. And they all learned to start communicating slowly by first learning sign language, then later down the slow evolutionary process, they start making sounds and words and finally later down evolution they start to have a official language with an alphabet etc. That is how different languages started as they learned to communicate differently in different parts because it was the first time being invented so languages were inventions of man. That just explained it. That is how languages came to be. I understand it. The god doing it version is just a lazy version if you think about it. That is exactly what religion is all about. It takes life, and tries to make it easier by telling you there is a reward if you follow what they say. But religion does that for everything. It makes for an easier explanation. Like look how complicated the billions of years of evolutionary change that life experienced as we evolved from cells to fish to monkeys to people. And the religious point of view on the subject: God did it. How did we get the golden gate bridge? God did it. How did we “God did it” Knock knock. Who’s there? Interrupting god. Interrupting gaw—God did it. I am pretty sure that is the greatest joke that ever was told. Religion totally makes everything just an easier explanation. And that is because we as humans don’t like complication. When we see something that off puts us because we think it is too complex? We freak out and want it to be far away from us. So with religion we want something that makes us feel that feeling. Like everything doesn’t need to be so complicated. Just make it simpler. So why not make up this guy who is all powerful and all knowing and say he created everyone and he is a superior creature above all of us, but he is also a human at the same time. But how can you explain “god” to a god? You can’t. Because you can’t explain something all powerful and all knowing to someone who is also that. That would be like two gods creating their whole existence and there would be multiple, or even infinite number of existences. So not only is there an infinite amount of space, how crazy is that to think. But also there is an infinite number of alternate existences or universes per se. So at any point, because there is an infinite amount of possible existences so if you think about it, there is always every possible combination of time person, place, what they are saying, they are all going on in at least one of those universes or existences. So that is how time travel is possible. Because if you find a warp hole in space, it is the one link between different universes or existences. So you could go into the warp hole and it would transfer you to a different world, but it could look ever so slightly like the same universe but it would be a different universe that was slightly similar because there are an infinite number of universes, but so this one would look similar but be different than the one that if that person didn’t go into the warp and lived that life. It would be an ever so slight different existence than the other one.

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