Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Origin of Species

You could put anything in the world on sale and someone would buy it. As long as you have good marketing you could sell anything and someone would buy it.You could take a piece of shit and put a price tag and someone would buy it. If you had a clever commercial someone would out there would buy that piece of shit. And that rolls back to the fact that they sale that much stuff that is composed of poop. They are selling our own human excrement back to us. We literally buy our own poop. We buy what we get for free every morning when they wake up and once right when they get home from school and they almost poop their pants when they are running down the hall pulling their pants pants down it always is the hardest shit holdings in you life. There was always two kind of people in the world. There are the people who would poop in public places like its not that big of a deal, and there are the people who would only poop in a public place if their butthole deppended on it. Those are the two most basic ways of separating the human species.

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